The andirons above, were recently brought to the shop by our good friend Karen Smith. She’s renovating her home so it was the perfect time to restore them to their original glory.

To achieve a quality result, the fist step was to take the andirons apart. We disassembled all the components with extreme care before determining the best technique to restore the metal. To be quite honest, after so much aging it was hard to tell what the original material was.

The rediscovered brass shined beautifully after we were done. These andirons are now ready for their new life in front of the Le Tarascon mantel that Karen purchased for her living room. See our Cast Stone Mantel collection.

Metal restoration for fixtures, hardware and more
After stripping a metal, we can apply different finishes to achieve a particular look.

Above is our Pointers Double wrought iron sconce, before an after a finishing treatment.

This Le Mont Hardware set was custom finish for a client in Oil Rubbed Bronze.

The latch on the right used to look like the one on the left. It got a complete makeover and is now ready for installation on a door casement.
Final touches for an antique double rim lock.
We can achieve a number of finishes for our customers. See the chart below for the most popular selection.

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